Illustrated Poem: Dragon Sanitation.

 With the drying up of demand for scrolls during lockdown, plus a general drying up of other demands on time, I was able to start a "lockdown project", which was to illustrate a comic poem  I had written many years ago in a mediaeval style.  The style I initially went for was the "blue acanthus" of Bruges c 1475-1480, particularly inspired by the manuscripts obtained by Edward IV from that city.  As the project progressed, I drew upon other Flemish examples from that same period, including the work of the Master of the Dresden Prayerbook, Hieronymus Bosch and Simon Marmion amongst others.

As this is part of a greater "work in progress" which I intend to bring to publication, I am not including high-resolution images of this work in this Blog, but see below a video of me reading the poem, produced for an SCA Bardic competition, showing the illustrations.


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