A long-awaited Laurel Scroll

 This scroll was commissioned at the beginning of 2020.  You can guess the rest.  By the time I had completed it, it was apparent it wasn't going to be presented any time soon, so I finished it without adding the date, which I was finally able to add a month ago, and the scroll was presented yesterday.  So far my record for the longest delay between my doing a scroll and it being presented, but I have another one still awaiting presentation which will beat that record!


  1. This is an absolutely stunning piece and I can not wait to have it properly framed and placed on my wall. Could you tell me about the pigments used so I know how best to protect it from light damage and other things that may bring it harm over the years. I wish to enjoy it for a long time to come!

    1. Thanks, Maggie. It is done in gouache and modern calligrapher's ink. It should be reasonably resistant to fading, but I would certainly recommend that it does not sit in direct sunlight. The pergamenata on which it is painted doesn't like being in a humid atmosphere, either, though framing it should help give protection.

  2. Sumptuous, creative, gorgeous, personal. Wow!


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