Two Byzantine Style "scrolls"


The recipients knew in advance that they would be getting these awards (which are given at the end of their time of service as Prince and Princess) and so requested that they be done in a Byzantine style, which I have not tried before.

The idea of painting them on board to resemble icons was my own, and posed some practical problems, since I normally transfer the design using a light-box, which works fine on translucent pergamenata, but not on MDF fibre-board!

I'm not sure that Byzantine is "my" style, but the recipients seemed happy with them.

I used modern materials as I did not have time to master the techniques of traditional icon painting.  They were painted with acrylic on MDF board, with  gold leaf background.

The blank spaces are because at the time I was painting them, it was not known who the new Prince and Princess would be.  Happily, the right couple won the throne... that is, the couple with names which well fitted the spaces available!  As I was not present at the event, a friend was primed to fill them in for me.

I have, in my time, studied classical Greek to "O" level standard and New Testament Greek at theological college, but do not know Byzantine Greek, and have forgotten much of what I used to know.  So this is Google Translate Greek,,, apologies to any genuine Greek speakers seeing these scrolls!


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